Children must have a safe space to introspect their actions and behaviours. By facilitating this safe space we will help students form their own nuanced opinions about what is right and wrong, instead of believing what they’re told at face value. The added presence of a well-qualified mentor in the students’ lives will make it easier for them to navigate through the confusing ages of middle school. Through direct interactions and sharing of experiences, we believe that mentors can facilitate a conducive environment for their mentees to grow exponentially. Our mission is to ultimately harbour a close-knit community of students who are socially and morally aware, while also holding themselves responsible to fostering the same space for others around them.


A conducive environment for education is one that, apart from all the academic learning, also provides a stimulating space for socio-emotional growth and implementation of the ideas and beliefs of a  young mind. Every learning space should ultimately touch upon topics like academic honesty, peer pressure, equality, etc., in order to raise a responsible individual. Our vision is to facilitate a well-rounded learning experience for the students, which is inclusive of socially relevant concepts that go beyond the textbook knowledge. Moreover, we aim to establish a caring, empathetic, and socially-aware student body who would later go on to become influential changemakers